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Resources: Lucian of Samosata Project

  • Library of resources grouped by language for download
  • Both primary and secondary source material with descriptions
  • All downloadable material exists in the public domain

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Ancient Greek | ἑλληνικά

Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics: Lucian, A Selection
A text geared towards Greek students, the Cambridge Series presents some of Lucian's dialogues in Greek with commentary.

Download Greek Originals
Luciani_Samosatensis_Opera_vol1.pdf (PDF)
Luciani_Samosatensis_Opera_vol2.pdf (PDF)
Luciani_Samosatensis_Opera_vol3.pdf (PDF)
Luciani_Samosatensis_Opera_vol4.pdf (PDF)
1829 Greek Editions. Complete collection of Lucian's works.

Greek with English facing text
Loeb Library, Lucian translated by A. M. Harmon, Vol. 1 (PDF)
Loeb Library, Lucian translated by A. M. Harmon, Vol. 2 (PDF)
Loeb Library, Lucian translated by A. M. Harmon, Vol. 3 (PDF)
Loeb Library, Lucian translated by A. M. Harmon, Vol. 4 (PDF)
Loeb Library, Lucian translated by A. M. Harmon, Vol. 5 (PDF)
Loeb Library, Lucian translated by K. Kilburn, Vol. 6 (PDF)
Loeb Library, Lucian translated by M. D. MacLeod, Vol. 7 (PDF)
1913 Edition. The Loeb Classical Library is a series of books, today published by Harvard University Press, which presents important works of ancient Greek and Latin Literature in a way designed to make the text accessible to the broadest possible audience, by presenting the original Greek or Latin text on each left-hand leaf, and a fairly literal translation on the facing page.

Inline Translation of Lucian
Inline Translation of Lucian as recommended by Mr. Locke (PDF)
1838 Edition. Contains The Dream, Of Charon and Hermes and Different Dead Men, Convocation of Gods, other dialogues in Ancient Greek

Lucian Selected Writings
Lucian Selected Writings edited by Francis Allinson (PDF)
1905 - English footnotes & Introductions with Greek text. The Dream or Life of Lucian, Charon, Vera Historia B, Vitarum Auctio and Piscator, Dialogi Deorum, Dialogi Marini, Dialogi Mortuorum, The Life's-End of Peregrinus.

Lucian: Charon and Timon
Lucian: Charon and Timon (PDF) Presented by B.J. Hayes, Edited by T.R. Mills.

Luciani Quae Extant et Quae Feruntur ad Optimorum Librorum Lectiones
Luciani Quae Extant et Quae Feruntur ad Optimorum Librorum Lectiones (PDF) 1885.

Lucianus recognovit Iulius Sommerbrodt (PDF)

Luciani Menippus et Timon
Luciani Menippus et Timon by E.C. Mackie 1891. Menippus, Timon, Notes to Menippus, Notes to Timon. (PDF)

Select Dialogues of Lucian in Latin and Greek with Notes in English
Select Dialogues of Lucian in Latin and Greek with Notes in English by Edward Murphy 1818. (PDF)

Luciani Somnium Charon Piscator et De Luctu with English Notes by W.E. Heitland 1880. (PDF)


Certain Select Dialogues of Lucian by Francis Hickes
Certain Select Dialogues of Lucian by Francis Hickes (PDF)
1634 Edition. Selections.

Dialogues of Lucian translated by John Carr
Dialogues of Lucian from the Greek translated by John Carr Vol. 1 (PDF)
Dialogues of Lucian from the Greek translated by John Carr Vol. 2 (PDF)
1774 Edition. Complete collection.

Dialogues of Lucian translated by Thomas Francklin
Lucian of Samosata translated by Thomas Francklin Vol. 1 (PDF)
Lucian of Samosata translated by Thomas Francklin Vol. 2 (PDF)
1780 Edition. Complete collection. Introductions for each piece.

Dialogues of Lucian translated by Christopher Wieland
Lucian of Samosata translated by Christopher Wieland Vol. 1 (PDF)
Lucian of Samosata translated by Christopher Wieland Vol. 2 (PDF)
1820 Edition. Complete collection. Plenitude of footnotes.

Inline Translation of Lucian
Inline Translation of Lucian as recommended by Mr. Locke (PDF)
1838 Edition. Contains The Dream, Of Charon and Hermes and Different Dead Men, Convocation of Gods, other dialogues in Ancient Greek. (PDF)

Lucian Vera Historia, Commentary in English
Lucian Vera Historia by C.S. Jerram
1879 Edition. Full commentary of Vera Historia in English. (PDF)

Lucian's Dialogues
Lucian's Dialogues translated by Howard Williams (PDF)
1888 Edition. Dialogues of the Gods, Of the Sea-Gods, and Of the Dead; Zeus the Tragedian, The Ferry-Boat, or The Tyrant, The Convicted Zeus, The Convention of the Gods, Menippus: or the Oracle of the Dead.

Selections from Lucian
Selections from Lucian translated by Emily Smith (PDF)
1892 Edition. The Dream, Zeus the Tragedian, The Sale of Lives, The Rooster, The Ferry, A True History, Toxaris or Friendship, Loukios or the Ass, The Halcyon.

Six Dialogues of Lucian
Six Dialogues of Lucian introduction by Sidney Irwin (PDF)
1894 Edition. Icaromenippus, or, Getting up the Clouds; The Dream, or the Rooster; The Ship, or The Wishes; The Parasite, or Professional Diner-Out; The Lover of Falsehood; Nigrinus.

Lucian's Wonderland
Lucian's Wonderland (PDF)
1899 - A Translation of the Vera Historia by St. J. B. Wynne Willson, relating Adventures on Sea, in the Islands, in the Air, in the Whale's Belly, etc.

Lucian, the Syrian Satirist
Lucian, the Syrian Satirist by Henry Hime (PDF)
1900 Edition. Biography of Lucian.

Lucian's True History
Lucian's True History translated by Francis Hickes. (PDF)
1902 Edition. Translated by Francis Hickes. Illustrated by William Strang, J.B. Clark, and Aubrey Beardsley with an introduction by Charles Whibley.

Translations from Lucian
Translations from Lucian by Augusta Davidson (PDF)
1902 Edition. The Sale of Philosophers, Concerning Paid Companions, Hermotimus or the Sects, The True History, Alexander, or the False Prophet, Zeus the Tragedian, The Orator's Guide.

Lucian Selected Writings
Lucian Selected Writings edited by Francis Allinson (PDF)
1905 - English footnotes & Introductions with Greek text. The Dream or Life of Lucian, Charon, Vera Historia B, Vitarum Auctio and Piscator, Dialogi Deorum, Dialogi Marini, Dialogi Mortuorum, The Life's-End of Peregrinus.

Works of Lucian of Samosata
Works of Lucian translated by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler, Vol. 1 (PDF)
Works of Lucian translated by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler, Vol. 2 (PDF)
Works of Lucian translated by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler, Vol. 3 (PDF)
Works of Lucian translated by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler, Vol. 4 (PDF)
1905 Edition

Faenum Publishing: Intermediate Greek Readers
Lucian's A True Story | Hayes and Nimis (PDF)
Lucian's On the Syrian Goddess | Hayes and Nimis (PDF)
Lucian's The Ass | Hayes and Nimis (PDF)
Modern Editions - 2012

Visit Faenum Publishing for more information.

The Public Domain Review: Lucian's Dialogues of the Gods
:: A project of the Open Knowledge Foundation ::

images_books_luciandotg_3g-1024x644.jpg Caption:  With the twenty-six short comic dialogues that made up Dialogues of the Gods, the 2nd-century writer Lucian of Samosata took the popular images of the Greek gods and re-drew them as greedy, sex-obsessed, power-mad despots. Nicholas Jeeves, editor of a new edition for PDR Press, explores the story behind the work and its reception in the English speaking world. Source: The Public Domain Review

Please enjoy this linked article - an abridged version of the book's introduction: Divine Comedy: Lucian Versus The Gods

Order from the PDR Press: Lucian's Dialogues of the Gods

Penguin Classics - - Chattering Courtesans and Other Sardonic Sketches, trans. by Keith Sidwell.
Published by Penguin Classics since 2005.

Oxford World Classics - - Selected Dialogues, trans. by C. D. N. Costa.
The preferred English translation for the modern reader.

Transaction Publishing - - Selected Satires of Lucian, trans. by Lionel Casson
Another book of selected translations.

Lucian of Samosata: Works
The complete collection of Lucian's works trans. by Fowler. “The Syrian Goddess” is not included in this collection.

Further Reading

Intermediate Greek Readers


Visit Faenum Publishing for more information.

Lucian's A True Story: An Intermediate Greek Reader: Greek Text with Running Vocabulary and Commentary | Nimis, Hayes

Lucian's A True Story: An Intermediate Greek Reader: Greek Text with Running Vocabulary and Commentary | Nimis, Hayes

Lucian's The Ass: An Intermediate Greek Reader | Nimis, Hayes

Lucian's The Ass: An Intermediate Greek Reader | Nimis, Hayes

Lucian's On the Syrian Goddess: An Intermediate Greek Reader | Nimis, Hayes

Lucian's On the Syrian Goddess: An Intermediate Greek Reader | Nimis, Hayes

Latin (Latine)

Observationum Lucianearum specimen 1
Observationum Lucianearum specimen 1 by Schwidon, Carolus 1848. (PDF)

De Necyomantia dialogo Luciani genuino
De Necyomantia dialogo Luciani genuino by Fritzsche, Franz Volkmar 1864. (PDF)

Dr. Siemonsen quaestiones Lucianeae
Dr. Siemonsen quaestiones Lucianeae by Siemonsen 1866. (PDF)

Epiphyllidea Lucianeas
Epiphyllidea Lucianeas by Fritzsche, Franz Volkmer 1881. (PDF)

De Luciani re metrica
De Luciani re metrica by Friedrichsmeier, Friedrich 1889. (PDF)

De Ludani dialogo Toxaride
De Ludani dialogo Toxaride by G. Kretz 1890-1891. (PDF)

Analecta critica ad Lucianum
Analecta critica ad Lucianum by O. Spath 1896. (PDF)

De Ioanne Katrfario Luciani imitatore
De Ioanne Katrfario Luciani imitatore by Schmacher, Franz 1898. (PDF)

Vindiciae Lucianeae
Vindiciae Lucianeae by Sorof, Gustav 1898. (PDF)

Lucianus num auctor dialogi Erotas existimandus sit
Lucianus num auctor dialogi Erotas existimandus sit by Lauer, Gullelmus 1899. (PDF)

Scholia in Lucianum
Scholia in Lucianum edited by Hugo Rabe 1906. (PDF)

De Lucieni scholiis quaestiones selectae 1908. De Lucieni scholiis quaestiones selectae by Winter, Wilhelm Richard (PDF)

De Luciani scholiorum fontibus
De Luciani scholiorum fontibus by Helm, Carolus 1908. (PDF)

German (In Deutsch)

French (En Francias)

Oeuvres Completes de Lucien de Samosate
Oeuvres complètes de Lucien de Samosate I (PDF)
Oeuvres complètes de Lucien de Samosate II (PDF)

Lucien de Samosate, philosophe
Lucien de Samosate, philosophe par M. Emile Guimet (PDF)

Dialogues des Dieux
Dialogues des Dieux, Au Fil des lectures; Lecture - R. Depasse et Victoria (Audio)

Dialogues des morts
Dialogues des morts (texte grec) par M. Ditandy (PDF)

Dialogues des Courtisanes
Dialogues Des CourtisanesTraduction et notices par A.J. Pons; Illustrations par H. Scott et F. Meaulle 1881. (PDF)

La Luciade ou L'ane de Lucius de Patras
La Luciade ou L'ane de Lucius de Patras 1818. (PDF)

Italian (In Italiano)

Opere Di Luciano
Opere Di Luciano. Voltate in Italiano da Luigi Settembrini 1862. Complete works. (PDF)

Dutch (In Het Nederlands)

Lucianus De Dood Van Peregrinus
Lucianus De Dood Van Peregrinus. D Plooij en J.C. Koopman 1915. (PDF)


Trips to the Moon Voice Recording, text by Thomas Francklin

Embedded via HTML5

Full Audio Version: tripstothemoonaudio.mp3, text by Thomas Francklin

Sections of Trips to the Moon

Online Resources

Perseus Project.
Flagship collection, under development since 1987, covers the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world. Greek, Latin, and English texts.

Wikipedia: Lucian of Samosata.
Lucian's article on the world's largest encyclopedia.

The Gutenberg Project.
Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. - Introduction to Lucian.
Introduction to Lucian's texts by A.M. Harmon, 1913. - Passing of Peregrinus Overview.
Overview of Passing of Peregrinus from a Christian Fathers website.

The Encyclopedia of Science.
Viewing Lucian's “True Story” and “Icaro-Menippus” as early science fiction.

Early Christian Writings.
Directory and information of Lucian's stance on Christianity.

Letters to Dead Authors by Andrew Lang - Lucian of Samosata.
Fictional letter addressed to Lucian from Andrew Lang.

what-when-how Profile of Lucian.
“In Depth” profile of Lucian on an author aggregate site.

home/resources.1562521716.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/07 12:48 by frank

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