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Lyra Graeca Volume II. Translated by Edmonds, J M. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1922.


Athenaeus Doctors at Dinncr [on Heracles] : The more modern poets, according to Megacleides, represent him as going about merely in the guise of a robber, with cudgel, lion-skin, and bow. This fashion was set by Stesichorus of Himera. The lyric poet Xanthus, who comes before Stesichorus, as is testified by Stesichorus himself, does not represent him thus, if we may believe Megacleides, but as he appears in Homer.

2-3 Oresteia

The Same : Stesichorus has drawn a great deal upon Xanthus, for instance upon his Oresteia as it is called.

Aelian Historical Miscellany

The lyric poet Xanthus, who comes before Stesichorus of Himera, says that Electra daughter of Agamemnon was originally called Laodice. After the murder of her father, when Aegisthus had married Clytemnestra and become king, and Laodice was likely to die an old maid, the Argives gave her the name of Electra because she remained a virgin.1

1 deriving the name from a- 'not' and lektron ' a bed '

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