====== Crates of Thebes | Philostratus, Life of Apollonius 7.2 ======
Then there were Diogenes of Sinope and **Crates of Thebes**, of whom the former went direct to Chaeronea, and rebuked Philip for his treatment of the Athenians, on the ground that, though asserting himself to be a descendant of Heracles he yet was destroying by force of arms those who had taken up arms in defense of the descendants of Heracles. The other **Crates**, when Alexander declared that he would rebuild Thebes for his sake, replied that he would never stand in need of a country or of a city, which anyone could raze to the ground by mere force of arms. \\ [[http://www.livius.org/ap-ark/apollonius/life/va_7_01.html|Source]]Flavius Philostratus: The Life of Apollonius Translated by F.C. Conybeare\\